Americans love horsepower, but Texans
really love their horsepower be it four hooved, two- , four- or more-wheeled.
"But you must see it," we were told after explaining that the Good Girls' idea of camping was winding up in the room farthest from the lounge at a Hilton.
So we did and they were right, you really must see
Jack and Trent Sizemore's Travel and RV Museum.
The 1946 Tear Drop came as a kit. Photo by Judy Wells. |
RVs from teeny tag-alongs to behemoths of the road are displayed as you might have seen them used, many surrounded by grills, chairs, toys and sports gear of appropriate ages.
The "Age of Aquarius" VW van caught our eyes, of course, as did the monster house on wheels from the Robin Williams film, "RV."
The late Robin Willliams filmed in this. Photo by Judy Wells. |
Remember-this type memories popped up as we peeked inside and "traveled" through styles of the eras like the oranges, mustards and olive greens of kitchens, burnt orange shag carpeting and aqua sinks in bathrooms.
Remember aqua tile and porcelain bathrooms? Photo by Judy Wells. |
Classic motorcycles fill wall space in the vast two-room "garage" and all come with signage on the history, restoration process and other interesting details.
Ron and Marilyn Smith. Photo by Debi Lander. |
Our advisors were right, it is a find but our favorite find of all was meeting and comparing travel tips with
Ron and
Marilyn Smith of Chaumont Bay, NY, who detoured to see the museum during their 11,000-mile cross country RV trip.

Museum of America's Horse
Refrigerator, three-time Champion of Champions, the first to break the $2 million winnings record. Photo by Judy Wells. |
If you are like us, it will take awhile to get inside the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame and Museum because the outside Wall of Honor Plaza is so interesting. A wall of photographs provides a handsome backdrop for bronze statues of racing, cutting, ranching and pleasure Quarter Horses and their breeders.
Grand Hall. |
Keep going, though, because there's good stuff inside. The Grand Hall is quite impressive with a large medallion of a Quarter Horse at the far end flanked by panels with names and photographs of those whose efforts have made the breed a success. There's a nifty gift shop and a film theater, too.
Slide the lighted panel along the horse to see the inner workings of the entire animal. Photo by Judy Wells. |
On the second floor, interactive displays chart the Quarter Horse inside and out, follow the history of its development and show standout examples of the breed. Quarter Horses are known for their versatility so visitors can try out a Western and an English saddle to see which they prefer.
Race horse's eye-view of the starting gate. Photo by Judy Wells. |
It will probably be your only chance to see a race track starting gate up close. After all, the first American race tracks were quarter-mile straightaways where settlers, who didn't have time to clear any larger spaces, matched their speediest horses.
Another room is filled with displays of the development of America and the West, from Native American life and early ranches to the stock work, racing and recreational contributions of Quarter Horses.
With the rodeo in town, fellow visitors from ranchers to little buckaroos made our visit especially interesting. Having owned and loved a Quarter Horse for many years, Judy was between memory lane and horse heaven, but time was a' wasting so we skipped the library and research center.
The museum served another major purpose for the Good Girls as we made our way around Amarillo. The area is flat, East looking pretty much like West, so unique signs and buildings like this one told us if we were going in the right, or often wrong, direction.
"Blue Blaze" at Amarillo College. |
Following the Hoof Prints
We looked for another kind of horse as we drove around.
Hoof Prints is Amarillo's answer to the pigs, fish and jaguars public art projects of other cities. This project of
Center City and the
American Quarter Horse Association has placed life-sized statues of Quarter Horses painted by regional artists around the area.
"Happy" at Happy State Bank. |
We met City Center Executive Director
Beth Whitley Duke, "the mother of horses," over coffee our first morning in Amarillo.
What began with 20 horses in 2002 has grown to 103 unique works and still reproducing.
"Reflections of Love" by Jill Wyatt Marshall. |
All are stallions except for two, a mare sponsored by Hooter's and a spectacular mirrored mosaic mare and foal at the Women and Children's Health Center.
They have become the object of family scavenger hunts, photo projects and of devoted fans. Count us among them.
"Cherry Lime" by Gary Ward. |
"When No. 50, "Cherry Lime," at the Sonic Drive-In was removed for repainting, we had calls galore," said Beth.
Western of "Total Package" at the American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame and Museum. |
Evidently, "Don't mess with our horses" has joined "Don't mess with Texas" as an Amarillo warning.
English side of "Total Package," artist Gabe Treisio's clever way of showing the breed's versatility. |